Swansea Bay Business Club Policy Document

Adopted on  10 November 2023

Last Updated 28 June 2024


Club Vision

To create opportunity for every business in the Swansea Bay Region.

Club Mission

To be a high calibre relationship building community for the transformation of regional business.

Club Values

To be a considerate and welcoming Business Club, acting with integrity and transparency.


Aims of the Club Policy document:

This policy document has been created to ensure consistency and transparency in all Club decision making processes. It will enable us to achieve our vision and deliver on our mission, whilst upholding our values. These processes will ensure that our events are full and vibrant and maximise opportunities for all our members. The Club has no political or religious affiliation.



  1. Membership is open to Individual and Corporate Members who are interested in supporting and meeting other businesses/ businesspeople within the Swansea Bay Region.
  2. Membership fees are non-refundable and should be paid in full at the time of application. The Club reserves the right to change Membership fees at any time with notice to its Members.
  3. Membership renewal: Memberships are renewed annually and are valid for 12 months. Members are responsible for renewing their Membership prior to the expiration date.
  4. Members will be given a 30 day grace period to renew their Membership.
  5. The Club reserves the right to cancel or refuse to renew a Membership at any time.
  6. Member conduct: Members are expected to behave in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Any member who engages in behaviour that is deemed to be inappropriate conduct may have their Membership revoked.
  7. Termination of Membership: The Club reserves the right to terminate a Membership for any reason, including but not limited to non-payment of fees, or conduct deemed inappropriate to the Club or its Members.
  8. The Club has a number of out-of-date Membership payments made by Standing Order on an annual basis. Every effort has been made to identify these payments. From January 2023 these payments were no longer considered to be payment for Membership.
  9. As the Club aims to keep Membership fees as low as possible, a Charity rate is not provided.
  10. The Club’s primary means of communication with Members is via the website and/or email.



  1. Payment for Membership and event tickets should be made by credit or debit card.
  2. Sales orders and/or invoices are not supplied. An invoice may only be raised for a bacs payment should there be an issue with the Club payment gateway.
  3. If an invoice is raised for event tickets, this should be settled on receipt.
  4. Sales orders and invoices can only be supplied for sponsorship payment.
  5. The Club does not accept cheque payments.
  6. Invoices will not be provided separately for event tickets that are paid by credit or debit card. The event ticket email contains an invoice and the purchaser can find copies of this on their Glue Up account.
  7. Payments will only be made by the Club with an authorised supplier invoice.
  8. Payments should be authorised by the President or the Deputy President or the Immediate Past President. Payments in excess of £5000 will require 2 signatories.
  9. The bank account will have four signatories. The President, Deputy President, Immediate Past President and Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for updating the signatories.
    1. Bank signatories, starting from 2026, will thereafter be changed every four years. The signatory’s will consists of three people who will always be the Treasurer and the President, plus either the immediate Past President or the Deputy President.
  10. A reserve of one year’s operating costs will be kept by the Club at all times. Where required, the reserves will also include any monies approved by the Board for one-off projects. The reserves level shall be managed by the Treasurer.
  11. The annual accounts shall be approved by a qualified accountant and presented at the AGM.
  12. There shall be an annual budget set which is to be approved by the President and Deputy President. The budget should be set in advance of the commencement of the financial year.



 Diversity and inclusion are important to the Club and therefore speakers are requested to ensure that guests are welcomed, safe and respected. This includes but is not limited to any remarks in relation to race, religion, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender reassignment, disability and age. The Club requests that speakers refrain from the overuse of bad language. Exceptions can be made if such language is required within the context of a wider story, however, overall it is requested to be kept to a minimum.

The Board reserves the right to:

  1. Decline any direct approaches for speakers to address the Club.
  2. Change or cancel a speaker at last minute.
  3. Keep the information behind the decision confidential.
  4. Request that a speaker leave the stage should the address not align with the values of the Club.

Business Events

  1. Speakers should have a link to the Swansea Bay Region and/or impact or be of interest to business in the region.
  2. Can be political but should provide a business benefit to attendees/have link/impact on the business growth in the Swansea Bay region.
  3. Speakers who do not charge for their services may bring a guest of their choice free of charge.

Celebration Events

  1. Speakers should provide entertainment for a celebration/social event where attendees can come along to network in a more relaxed environment, either as a networking opportunity, or as the opportunity to bring guests for corporate hospitality purposes.



Sponsors should:

  1. Align with the values and mission of the Club.
  2. Not have a controversial message, negative public image or be associated with contentious issues that may not be appropriate for the Club or in the best interests of its Members.
  3. Not convey a strong political affiliation or use the event as a platform for political opportunity.
  4. Be a known entity to the Board or come by recommendation from a Member.
  5. Not be from industry such as tobacco, gambling or weapons manufacturing.


  1. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, the Club retains the right to apply the sponsorship to the next appropriate event.
  2. Sponsorship of an event should be paid in full 30 days prior to the event or on receipt of invoice if agreed during the 30-day period.


Sponsored Social Media Post Service

The Club offers a sponsored social media post service.  When posting it is made clear that this is a *Corporate Member Sponsored Post*

  1. The sponsor of a social-post should be a Corporate Member.
  2. The Club will post 8 social-posts per year and no more than 1 pcm.
  3. Each 8 will be sector exclusive each year unless on the agreement of the Board.
  4. The Club reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the date of the social-post.
  5. Social-posts should be business specific and not product specific unless related to the charity sector.
  6. The Corporate Member must provide wording of no more than 150 words and reduced to 280 characters for X, along with an image sized for the social media platform’s where the Club is currently active.  URLS may also be provided.
  7. The Social Post will be boosted for an agreed value on Linked In for the period of 30 days.
  8. Socials will not be posted or sponsored until the sponsorship invoice has been paid.


Sharing News and Information

  1. The Club will use the platform it feels most relevant to share news and information that is of benefit to Members. For example, this could include but is not limited to: Club Social Media accounts, announcements at events or within the Club table plan.
  2. Sharing of news should link to a current Individual Member or Corporate Member or information that is of benefit for Members.
  3. The event or news should not be a profit-making activity.
  4. Meet the buyer/supplier events should be shared by way of sponsored e-Shot.
  5. The news should not have a political affiliation.
  6. A free e-shot service will not be provided.
  7. The Club will only share Charity information related to the President’s chosen Charity.
  8. The final decision is at the President’s discretion.


Event Tickets

  1. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, attendees will be notified by the Club of the new date and time and the ticket will be automatically transferred. If a refund is required, this must be requested.
  2. In the event of a refund, only the face value of the ticket will be refunded. Any additional fees or charges associated with the purchase of the ticket will not be refunded.
  3. Refunds will only be issued to the original purchaser of the ticket.
  4. The Club reserves the right to make changes to the event, including but not limited to the guest speaker, schedule, venue, and ticket prices.
  5. In the event of a change, ticket holders will be notified by the ticket seller of the new details.
  6. Event tickets may be transferred but not for profit or commercial gain.
  7. If event tickets are transferred, please inform [email protected].
  8. Attendees with full table bookings shall be given priority at the front of the room.
  9. Bookings of half tables shall have the next tables, followed by individual/dual places booked for networking.
  10. Attendees may make requests for seating arrangements and the Club will attempt to facilitate where possible.
  11. The Club will make every effort to ensure attendees are sat on different tables to that of a competitor, but this may not always be possible if the event is over-subscribed by a particular sector.
  12. Attendees may request for them and their guests to be sat separately or together. The Club will make every attempt to do so, however if the event is over-subscribed by a particular sector, this will not always be possible.
  13. If an attendee wishes to be sat with another guest at the event, it is the attendee’s responsibility to be clear on the notes at the time of booking. The system will not recognise linked bookings made under different email addresses.
  14. Attendee names and company names will be printed in the table plan booklet providing these are provided 10 days prior to the event.
  15. Refunds can only be provided no less than 10 days prior to the event for bookings of 2 or less, and 21 days for bookings of 3 or more.
  16. Where events are likely to sell out, full tables can only be booked for 10 to maximise capacity at smaller venues.
  17. Tickets are to be purchased for and by over 16s only. Under 18s should be accompanied and the attendee takes responsibility for ensuring alcohol is not consumed by the under 18 at the event.
  18. Attendees are expected to be keep alcohol consumption to a sensible level.
  19. Attendees may be asked to leave if the Board deems their behaviour towards venue staff, speakers and other guests unacceptable at any time.
  20. Attendees who book Members Tickets must ensure that their membership remains valid on the date of the event.


President’s Charity

  1. Charity appointment is at the President’s discretion.
  1. The Charity must be registered with the Charities Commission.
  1. The Charity should be a Corporate Member.
  2. The Charity should be locally based, align with the Club’s values and be known and active in the Swansea Bay region.
  3. A nominated person from the Charity should book a place to attend every Celebration event where there is a fundraising element.
  4. The Charity should arrive at the event in time to help set up the room before the attendees arrive.
  5. From time to time the Charity will be able to put leaflets on the table to promote fundraising. This is at the President’s discretion with agreement from the Event Sponsor where applicable.
  6. The Charity should assist with collecting donations during the celebration lunches.
  7. A nominated person from the Charity is to take responsibility for the collections during and after the lunches, and to let the President know how much was raised at each event within 5 working days.
  8. Raffle prize(s) of an agreed value should be provided for each celebration event.
  9. The Charity should provide ideas and engagement around events where Members can be involved in fundraising.


Board Members

  1. Board Members should be actively working in the business community within the Swansea Bay Region.
  2. The role of Board Member is voluntary and there are no expenses paid.
  3. Board Members commit to attending an agreed number of events and Board meetings each year.
  4. The Club actively promotes equality and inclusion; and welcomes applicants reflecting the diversity of its community.
  5. Recruitment of Board Members is through an open and transparent nomination process.
  6. The Board will consist of one member per business sector unless under agreement of the Board.
  7. All Board Members are required to sign a confidential agreement and agree to abide by the organisations privacy policy.
  8. All Board Members are required to declare any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from any decision making that could benefit themselves, their businesses or their family Members.
  9. Board Members may be asked to resign from their position for various reasons, such as failure to attend meetings or not acting in the best interests of the Club.
  10. If a Board Member resigns from office, 12 months must pass before they are eligible for re-election.
  11. All Board Members are required to hold Individual or Corporate Membership of the Club.
  12. For further information on Board Roles you may request Board Structure and Job Descriptions by emailing [email protected].



Swansea Bay Business Club is a neutral organisation and, therefore, in order to remain so, the Club will not accept any lobbying approaches from private developers during planning/consultation periods; legislative campaigners during consultation periods; or political parties/representatives during election periods (according to official purdah timings depending on the type of election).


The Club reserves the right to amend this Policy Document at any time without notice to its Members.